DIY Kitchen Cabinet Makeover
Can’t take those 80’s-style kitchen cabinets any longer? Update! DIY!
Can’t take those 80’s-style kitchen cabinets any longer? Update! DIY!
Beauty and functionality. If you have a door or window where you want filtered light, but opaqueness at the same time, cover it with cut glass!
Here I repurposed a beloved copper bird bath that had exhausted its lifetime. I didn’t have the heart to toss it, so I began to consider ways to repurpose it.
It’s the perfect day for a creative project… maybe it’s a rainy day, maybe you have the house to yourself, maybe you just got paid… whatever the reason, you feel creative! Create a framed glass gem project in an afternoon…
Whether for sentimental reasons or mindful reuse of old jewelry… repurpose and redesign it!
Guess what? I gave my dishwasher door a make-over!