I Quit Coloring My Hair – How I Got to the Root of the Problem
Today I cut my hair… I mean REALLY cut my hair! It wasn’t that I was seeking a change in style. I did it in search of myself.
Today I cut my hair… I mean REALLY cut my hair! It wasn’t that I was seeking a change in style. I did it in search of myself.
I went into my 50’s kicking and screaming. I’ll admit that it stung for a few years, but I came up from the deep happier and more content than ever…
Read about why your 50’s may be the sweet spot of your life.
Sisters: completing yourself is your job, your responsibility, and your life goal…
To avoid weight gain… stop trying to lose it!… it will make you fat!
How I lost 60 and then gained 140.
If this is the result you want, adopt the restricted calorie/extreme training method.
We hide from mirrors, cameras, old friends, relatives, spouses, special events and life moments — we are missing out by not showing up in the bodies we have today.
If you’re in a season of alone-ness, awesome! Take full advantage of the opportunity to learn who you, what you stand for and what you are capable of on your own.