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Meet Amy Evans Malott!  She and I are Facebook friends, members of a private group (you can join!) called Going Grey Gracefully.  It’s a place where women support each other in their individual journeys to transition from coloring their manes to letting their greys and silvers shine through!  It’s a platform for empowerment, growth and support!

I saw Amy’s gorgeous mane of silver on a recent Facebook post and just had to reach out to her and ask her to allow me to share her inspirational words and photo on The Safe Hazen!   Here she is, in her own words!

Amy:  I’m a midlife, empty nester who, after covering my greys for 17 years, decided to embrace them and let them take over. During the 3-year process, I not only found freedom from the expense of coloring and from sitting in a salon chair for hours at a time (every few weeks); but I also gained a confidence inside me that grew as well. I love who I am as a Silver Hair Woman and love mentoring other women along their journeys.

“There’s no way that your hair color is real!”

Recently I had someone tell me this; at first, I was a little upset but quickly backed up and realized that they weren’t there during:
The “skunk look,”
The “silver crown,” and
The “brassy short hair style”
…as I was transitioning from hair dye to my natural silvers… before getting to this!

I also realized that they might currently be in the “frustration stage” of their own transition!   It’s a real thing.  I’ve been there.  And sometimes seeing others who are where you want to be can make you feel like it’s never gonna happen!

So, I’m here to tell you, try not to compare your beginning or middle stages of grey transition to someone else who has been doing it a lot longer! Instead borrow their confidence, grab on to hope, and know that your perseverance will pay off!

I have learned so much about myself through this journey and I’m proud of the decision I made to do it! Learning to embrace the journey (no matter what anyone else says) and sticking to it brings an empowerment that you don’t realize you have.

3/2017 last color

7 months 

15 months - cut off old color!

3-1/2 years !

You can do this!!      I believe in you!    Now it’s time to believe in yourself too!!

Dana:  Thanks so much, Amy, for sharing your story and photos with The Safe Hazen!  I am so inspired by your words and your gorgeous locks!

As an aside… I mentioned that Amy and I are Friends in a Facebook Group called Going Grey Gracefully, and I want help you, dear reader, connect the dots by mentioning another member, Connie Citron-Fink, who is the author of a book called “True Roots,” wherein she explores the chemicals used in hair dye, and their relationship to women’s health.  Her book had its one-year anniversary this past summer, and to celebrate she shared an excerpt from the book with Longreads.  You may hop over to The Safe Hazen’s Good Reads for my own summary and link to purchase the book on Amazon.  Check it out!

It’s a Wrap

I’ll close the loop by adding the link to my own story about ditching the dye… enjoy and be inspired by all your sisters and their journeys!


Sharing is Caring!