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Going Against the Grain… and Other Things.

Lectins?  What are They? 

Last year I was cruising through Facebook, and saw this pesky little feed that I had noticed a few times before, but purposely did not open. 


Because I could tell from the headline that I was going to have to give up yet ANOTHER food.  The headline photo was that of a tomato.  I love tomatoes.   For sure I was not giving up tomatoes. 

I don’t know what possessed me to investigate this time.  On that particular weekend morning I had gotten up before the sun and had the whole day ahead of me.  I could spare 15 minutes or so to watch a video about – – about – – whatever it was about.

The video was about a book called The Plant Paradox, by Dr. Steven Gundry.  It appeared to be about some late-breaking research on the dangers of plants.    Gah!  Really?  Is there nothing that is safe to eat anymore?

Let me frame my mindset, at the time, before going on.  I gave up eating meat 10 years ago.  Hence, I eat a lot of plants!  What was this guy going to now tell me?… that I had to now give up plants?  (Deep sigh).  I had already given up sugar, flour, diet soda and alcohol.  Plants were all I had left.

But, I watched.

The Gist 

Dr. Gundry proceeded to educate me on a pesky little protein called lectins.  They are found in the skins, seeds, grains, rinds and leaves of many plants we have heretofore hailed as healthy (such as nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruits and dairy).  I am not going to get into the science behind it here, but these lectins wreck havoc on your gut wall; essentially busting holes right through it; which allows all sorts of nasty, dangerous particles to pass through your gut lining into your body.  Dr. Gundry goes on describe a whole chain reaction of events that then lead to just about every negative diagnosis that plagues the contemporary human race! 

For real. 

He also talks about “The 7 Deadly Disruptors:”

  1. endocrine (hormone) disruptors, (Teflon, BPA, parabens, triclosan, soy is one)
  2. genetically modified foods (GMO’s)
  3. broad spectrum antibiotics
  4. NSAID’s (anti-inflammatory drugs)
  5. stomach acid blockers
  6. artificial sweeteners
  7. constant exposure to blue light

Dr. Gundry likens the 7 deadly disruptors to the experiment were, if you put a frog in a pot of water on the stove and slowly increase the water temperature, the frog will sit there until it boils to death.  Alternately, if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog will immediately jump out! 





The 7 disruptors are like the water where the temperature is slowly increased.  When we expose out bodies to these disruptors, the damage is not immediate and alarming, but over time their effects will alter our bodies profoundly and to our detriment.

Take Away 

The take-away from his book is that most chronic illnesses can be traced to poor gut health.  Inflammation is a large contributor to poor health, and lectins are largely to blame for inflammation. 

That weekend morning, I watched one Gundry video of his after another.  What he had to say was so interesting that I found I had to read his book that very day!  I bought the digital version on Kindle and read the entire book that same day! 

What was so fascinating was the numerous patient success stories throughout the book.  It appeared that Dr. Gundry’s protocol either cured or vastly improved things that plague so many of us, our family and friends, such as aching joints, allergies, arthritis, asthma, fibromyalgia, auto-immune diseases, type-II diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines, insulin resistance, low testosterone, and Parkinson’s to name a few! 

My Experience Sans Lectins 

I was already avoiding 6 of the 7 deadly disruptors (Outlier” I liked my antibiotics when I was sick!), but I was so convinced that my inflammation and all the related ailments could be cured that I immediately gave up lectins!  That same day! 

What happened?  Within one week my inflammation was greatly diminished! 

How did I know? 

Have you ever gone to the doctor for a sinus infection, ear infection or sore throat… and been given a steroid shot?  And then you notice that you begin to feel better within hours?  The reason this happens is because the steroid shot reduces inflammation.  So, any time I get a steroid shot, I anticipate that I am going to feel 10 years younger (especially in my joints) and I make a big to-do list!  Because, for a day or so, anyway, I am going to feel “up-to-it!” 

Well, 6 days after stopping lectins I found myself doing holiday baking (lectin-free baking!) for hours, standing in the kitchen!  And this was after walking the aisles at the grocery store to buy the ingredients for said baking! 

Context: For the past several years I have not been able to shop for AND make the recipe in the same day.  It just hasn’t been an option.  I had always been worn out by the time I got home with the ingredients.  Also, for a few years, there, I had to use the “riding-buggy scooter”, because I simply couldn’t make it walking around a concrete floor for even 30 minutes! 

This time, however, I found myself in my kitchen on recipe number 3, having been in the kitchen for 6 hours, and ready to start the next recipe!  It caught me off- guard… “Wait a minute,” I said.  “Something is weird, here.”  I looked at the clock and realized how long I’d been cooking and was shocked!  WHAT?  I am not hurting?  WHY?  Reduced inflammation!  I felt energized (just like on steroid-shot days)!  Dr. Gundry had said, in his book, that patients experience relief from symptoms of inflammation within one week!  And here it was! 

I was so ecstatic that I immediately sent a text to my friend and exclaimed how exciting it was!   And, honestly, I’ve never gone back to that pain which I had begrudgingly accepted as my lot in life for my future. 

Now, adopting a lectin-free lifestyle is challenging at first.  But Dr. Gundry’s book contains a very specific list of foods to eat and foods not to eat.  His website also contains this list of Dr. Gundry Approved Groceries contains these helpful lists of which food to eat and which foods to avoid. 

Some of my favorite vegetarian stables (especially legumes) contain lections (oh, no!), but Dr. Gundry explains how these items may be pressure cooked to greatly reduce the lectins (hint: get an Instant Pot!).  Also, many of my favorite vegetables are on the “no” list.  Thankfully, if you peel and de-seed many of them, they are lectin free. 

As espoused in Dr. Gundry’s protocol, I completely gave up mainstream dairy (yet, another vegetarian staple of mine)…  but I have replaced the milk with almond milk, the A-1 cow cheeses with goat cheese and sheep cheese, cow yogurt with goat yogurt and cow butter with goat butter, and ice cream with So Delicious coconut-milk (no sugar added) ice cream!  Voila!  Easy-peasy!  You know, I never really thought that I was sensitive to dairy, but now that I’m sans A-1 cow products I am much less gassy (yes, I did say that!) and my whole digestive process is, well,  uneventful!  Yay! 

Did I Give up Tomatoes? 

No.  I gave up the skins and seeds, which doesn’t make for the greatest “tomato-in-the-raw” experience (sliced on a plate), but I use them in sauces, salsa, chili and all sorts of recipes!  If you don’t want to peel and de-seed (I don’t!) use Pomi brand tomatoes (comes peeled and seeded, in a box at your favorite grocer!)… also, for another great short-cut, use pre-pressure-cooked beans by Eden brand (comes in a BPA-free can, too!)

As I began to adopt the lectin free lifestyle I came to lean on a couple of great websites for recipes and inspiration.  Try these:

I am sure there are other lectin-free websites to discover, so if you have another particular favorite please share it with me in the Comments section, below! 

Also, see my in-house fav’s: Favorite Recipes Served Up At The Safe Hazen

Of course my staple is anything Dr. Gundry!  Here are links to his websites:

Books and Podcast  (

Go straight to the Guide to Lectins

Order the book: The Plant Paradox Quick & Easy (contains a 30-day guide to jump start your health!)

Shop Gundry supplements, read articles such as Which Plants Have Lectins, and find recipes (

Go to “Yes & No” List embedded in this article (Comprehensive Lectin Free Diet Plan).

I must give a special shout-out about the Dr. Gundry Podcast!  I love this podcast!  It is a weekly podcast that began in 2018, so you have plenty to listen to!  Dr. Gundry mixes interviews of insightful health-minded people with his own informative solo-casts.  There is something for everyone here, and I learn something new every time I listen!  I am hooked!  You may find the podcast on the link above ( or anywhere you prefer to listen to your podcasts (such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or YouTube).

Here are few teasers to get you started:

The Controversial Truth About Fruit

Throw Out Your Toothpaste (Do This Instead)

Eat Fat & Carbs, Like THIS!

Fasting: All The Benefits Without The Suffering

Another great resource is YouTube: Dr. Gundry’s videos!

Any way you slice your lectin-free pie, you can learn how to vastly improve your health!  Read, listen, or watch!

Happy eating!  Here’s to your good health!

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