Welcome to the Hazen-Nut Coffee Shop! Snuggle up with your favorite cuppa, and enjoy a good read!
Here I have listed books that have changed the lens through which I view the world! Be brave enough to learn another perspective! Like my auto tag says “B OPEN…”
For each book I have given my own brief summary, and I have included a link to the Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
I have been an Audible member for many years, so I am partial to this particular service, but I recommend listening to audio books (through your favorite audio book provider) whenever you can! The stories come to life through the audio narrators, and the lingual accents draw you into the story!
This book was a turning point in my life… it helped me name and define body shaming, body terrorism, fat-phobia and other systems of oppression based on body type. It was the basis for this blog, as I wanted to share its principles with everyone in my life, and well, EVERYONE.
OF MESS AND MOXIE - Jen Hatmaker
Yes, she is a Christian author, but if you’re not of the faith community, no worries… there are nuggets of wisdom all throughout this book that you will take to heart. You will laugh till you cry, and cry till you laugh! It’s that good. Not all of her perspectives will speak to everyone… depending on what season (circumstances) you are in when you listen/read, different sections will speak to you… whether you’re in a season on joy, fear, tribulation, peace; whether you’re a young mother, a seasoned veteran, or a grandmother. There’s something (many things!) in this book for you! My personal favorites include Jen’s grocery store/grocery procurement story… hilarious! I was especially touched by the poignant telling of her season of tribulation.
A novel for the self-proclaimed non-racist that gives so much insight into racism and white supremacy. I have never considered myself to be racist, but this eye-opening novel gave me a new education about myself and about society at large; my perception of both is forever (gratefully) altered!
SECOND GLANCE - Jodi Picoult
For this “sheltered” girl, yet another eye-opening novel on the practice of Eugenics in the USA. Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics (i.e. systematic sterilization of blacks and Native Americans, criminals, vagrants, drunks, and the mentally ill, to name a few). Much to my astonishment it was practiced and condoned by the government in the USA in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s (actually practiced in one form or another in some states as late as the 1990’s) . It fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.
In this novel “Picoult vividly evokes the physical and psychic toll a desperately sick child imposes on a family, even a close and loving one like the Fitzgeralds… there can be no easy outcomes in a tale about individual autonomy clashing with a sibling’s right to life, but Picoult thwarts out expectations in unexpected ways… a telling portrait of a profoundly stressed family.” Kirkus Reviews
THE HATE YOU GIVE - Angie Thomas
A very insightful story about the difference between a world of violence and drugs versus a world of privilege, and a young girl who must navigate and make sense of both worlds every day.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
A wonderful story about a girl with all the insecurities we can relate to.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
A SPARK OF LIGHT - Jodi Picoult
The long debate about abortion. As much as I love Jodi Picoult, I almost couldn’t bring myself to read this book – because I was tired of the subject, and felt I had no more to learn on the matter. I was wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I found out that I had plenty to learn about the perspectives from all angles. I had to challenge myself to learn about those angles that weren’t mine.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
Another tough subject for many. While we as a society are only beginning to understand transgender, many of us may support it, cognitively, but can’t wrap our heads around it, viscerally. This book launched me on a far deeper understanding of transgender people – which helped my understanding of all people “different” than me.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
Women: this book will bring to life the roots of women’s struggles for equality, as well as how the stage was set for organized religion. Immerse yourselves in mediaeval 12th-centruy England, and learn how the Catholic church was king, how the common people were abused by the powers of the day, and how women, specifically, were treated as property. Very eye-opening for this naive and somewhat history-deprived girl.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
ORPHAN TRAIN - Christina Baker Cline
When Jon Gabriel’s book came out in the early 2000’s it was ground-breaking as to the cause-effect in the struggle with weight management. Jon was previously a very large man who had tried every diet out there with little success. He tells the reader about his struggles and his journey to slim-and-trim! If you are a person of size who has struggled with weight management all of your life, you will relate to Jon and he to you; he will be your new best friend!
Jon will teach you so many things about your mind, your food and your environment, and how they all contribute to your overall health. He is in your corner, and he will take you step-by-step through his method. A fascinating read!
I read the hard copy with a highlighter pen in-hand, and listened to the audible book numerous times for inspiration!
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
THE SECRET - Rhonda Byrne
“Learn how to have, do and be all you want…”
Dana’s review coming soon…
Skip straight to the book!... but please listen to the audiobook! The book also comes in paper and video. The paper version did not pull me in, and the video had a “corny” feel to it in my opinion. But I loved the audiobook and have listened to it multiple, multiple times!
For listeners of Orphan Train and The Nightingale comes a “thought-provoking and complex tale about two families, two generations apart…based on a notorious true-life scandal.”
Dana’s review coming soon…
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
THE PLANT PARADOX - Dr. Steven Gundry
In The Plant Paradox, Dr. Gundry educates readers on pesky little proteins called lectins. They are found in the skins, seeds, grains, rinds and leaves of many plants we have heretofore hailed as healthy (such as nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruits and dairy). These lectins wreck havoc on your gut wall; essentially busting holes right through it; which allows all sorts of nasty, dangerous particles to pass through your gut lining into your body. Dr. Gundry goes on describe a whole chain reaction of events that then lead to just about every negative diagnosis that plagues the contemporary human race!
For real.
He also talks about “The 7 Deadly Disruptors:”
- endocrine (hormone) disruptors, (Teflon, BPA, parabens, triclosan, soy is one)
- genetically modified foods (GMO’s)
- broad spectrum antibiotics
- NASID’s (anti-inflammatory drugs)
- stomach acid blockers
- artificial sweeteners
- constant exposure to blue light
Take Away
The take-away from his book is that most chronic illnesses can be traced to poor gut health. Inflammation is a large contributor to poor health, and lectins are largely to blame for inflammation.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Audible.
In Oil Pulling Therapy, Dr. Fife leads readers down a new path to health… with just a teaspoon of oil and 10-20 minutes of daily swishing (and spitting!) you will begin to see changes.
Research suggests there is an important correlation between oral health and chronic illness. Oil pulling is a simple, safe, and powerfully effective method of detoxification. Get swishing!
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Amazon.
In Nineteen Minutes the author explores gun violence through the very insightful telling of a high school shooting; a telling from the vantage points of the shooter, the victims, the parents of the shooter, the parents of the victims, the police officer who responded to the call, and the attorney for the defendant. One again, Jodi Picoult takes my perspective to places I had never considered.
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Amazon.
TRUE ROOTS - Ronnie Citron-Fink
Ronnie is an environmental journalist by trade, and so knew that she had been “sticking her head in the sand” during her 25 years of coloring her hair. She knew that the chemicals just had to be hazardous…so why did she continue to color?
Ronnie colored her hair for many of the same reasons 75% of American women color their hair – – chief among those:
- Won’t I be perceived as unattractive, unprofessional, and unworthy of loving affection if I quit coloring my hair?
- Won’t people regard me as THAT girl, the one who just let-herself-go?
“True Roots follows Ronnie’s journey from dark dyes to a silver crown of glory; from fear of aging to embracing natural beauty. Along the way, readers will learn how to protect themselves, whether by transitioning to their natural color or switching to safer products. Like Ronnie, women of all ages can discover their own hair story, one built on individuality, health, and truth.”
Publisher’s Summary and Reviews on Amazon.
June 2020 marked the one-year anniversary of Ronnie’s book, for which she shared this excerpt of her book to the Facebook group Going Grey Gracefully, brought to us by LongReads.com.
To read my own Going Grey story click here. Also, one of my Guest Authors, Amy Evans Malott, offers her own perspective on the Going-Grey journey… wait till you see her hair, gorgeous!
LOVED Pillars of the Earth! Read in eons ago & purchased it for the Kindle! I get so into it I can smell the meadows! I look forward to checking out some of your other suggestions!
Yes! One of my fav’s! The first time I read the paper version, and then I listened (years later) on Audible! Very enlightening reading!